Kumpulan Soal UN Bahasa Inggris


In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

Part I. Pictures
Questions: 1 to 4
For each item, there is a picture In your test book and four short  statements about it on the tape. They are spoken twice, and are NOT WRITTEN out on your test book, so you must listen carefully. You must choose one statement – (A), (B), (C), or (D) that best describes the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.

Look at the picture and listen to the four sentences.
A.    The men are swimming in the river
B.    A boy is sitting beside his father
C.    The men are fishing in the river
D.    They are standing at the beach

Choice (C) – “  The men are fishing in the river” – best describes what is seen in the picture. Therefore you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
        Sample answer             
        A             B            C             D

1.    Look at picture number 1                              2.   Look at picture number 2          


3.     Look at picture number  3.                    4.  Look at picture number 4    

Part II. Questions and Responses
Questions: 5 to 8.
In this part of the test, you will hear  several questions spoken in English, followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response  to each question.

Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear    
Woman : May I use your computer to print out my report?
Sample answer :   A             B            C
You will also hear    :
Man      : A. Here let me get the number for you.
        B. It’s scheduled for early tomorrow morning.
               C. Sure, I’ll be out of the office all morning, and won’t need it.
Choice (C) – “Sure, I’ll be out of the office all morning, and won’t need it.”—is the appropriate response to the question “May I use your computer to print out my report?” Therefore you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.

Now let’s begin with the question number:

5.  Mark your answer on your answer sheet.        

6.  Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

7.  Mark your answer on your answer sheet.    

8.  Mark your answer on your answer sheet

Part III.  Short Conversations.
Questions: 9 to 11.
In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversations twice. The conversations will not be printed in your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. In your test paper, you will read a question about each conversation, the question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question, and mark it on your answer sheet.

You will hear:     Man       : Do you mind if I smoke?
                 Woman   : Yes, I really do.
            Man         : I’ll just go outside then. Please excuse me for a few minutes.

You will read:   Why is the man going outside?
A.     To take a walk.                    
B.    To meet a friend.
C.    To buy supplies.
D.    To have a cigarette.   
Choice (D) --  “To have a cigarette.” – is the best answer to the question, “Why is the man going outside?” Therefore, you should mark (D) on your answer sheet.

Now let’s begin with the short conversation number (9) in your test paper.

9.    Where are they going for lunch?
A. at Sheraton
B. at Paragon
C. at Lucky Dragon
D. at Kung Pao Chicken

10.    From the conversation, we concluded that …
A.    Mr. Kramer  was a president director
B.    The firm was the seventh largest firm
C.    The reporter reported inaccurately
D.    The worth of Mr. Kramer was $1.5 million dollar

11.    What does the man want?
A.    A standard room.
B.    A suite room.
C.    A double view.
D.    A single view.

Part IV.  Short  Talks.
In this part of the test, you will hear two short talks. Each will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said.
In your test book, you will read a question about each short talk. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question, and mark it on your answer sheet. 

12. What should we do before putting the noodle and egg into the pan?
A.    Stirring well
B.    Pouring the spice
C.    Boiling some water
D.    Preparing the ingredients

13. What ingredients are optional?
A.    Noodle and egg
B.    Noodle and onion
C.    Onion and tomato
D.    Noodle and tomato

14. What is being advertised?
A.    Price list for the catalog
B.    Home owner’s insurance
C.    Free energy conservation audits
D.    Construction materials and plans

15. How can the reader find out more?
A.    By ordering a free brochure
B.    By visiting Sinar Jaya Builders
C.    By ordering a Sinar Jaya color video
D.    By viewing other homes in the neighborhood

This is the end of the Listening Comprehension portion of the test.
Go on to the Reading Section.


PART V.  Direction: in this part of the test, you will read ten incomplete dialogue  in various situation, you are to choose (A), (B), (C), or (D) to fill the missing part of each dialogues. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.
16. Doni : I failed in my previous English Test.

     Lita   : …

     Doni  : Thanks for your advice. I really appreciate it.
A.    You had better study harder.
B.    If I were you, I would just forget it.
C.    Why don’t you move to another school?
D.    How about going to cinema downtown?

17. Operator : Hitachi Company, Linda’s speaking, can I help you?
       Caller      : May I speak to Mrs. Debby, please?
       Operator : I am sorry, She is out at the moment. … ?
       Caller      : Yes, please. Thank you.
A.    Can you take a message
B.    Would you like to hold on
C.    May I know who’s calling, please
D.    Shall I connect you to her secretary

18 .Mr. Anwar  : Did you have a good time in your last visit to Bangkok?
      Mr. Dudi    : Oh yes,  …
A.    I have been there three times.
B.    I’ll visit Bangkok this weekend.
C.    I enjoyed every single time there.
D.    I usually visit Bangkok once a year.

19.   Eva       : I’ll celebrate my daughter’s birthday next Saturday.
              Will you be able to come?
        Ratna    :  … . I’ll have a wedding party to attend in Semarang.
A.    Sure, I’d love to
B.    I will be able to come
C.    I really don’t think I can
D.    That sounds lovely, thanks

20 . Sarah          : I am not feeling well Mrs. Sherly,  …
       Mrs. Sherly  : Not at all. May you get better tomorrow, take care Sarah.
A.    Would you allow me to call the doctor?
B.    Would you mind if I leave the class now?
C.    Will you let me to have some meals?
D.    Could you take me some medicine please?

21.Customer        : Excuse me, … . I ordered it well done. 
      Waiter            : I am terribly sorry sir, I’ll ask the chef to make it immediately.
A.    This room is very hot
B.    The service is too slow
C.    The steak is undercooked
D.    The food is quite expensive

 22. Staff         : Yes Sir, what can I do for you?
      Manager    : … to the head of Human Resources Department of Jaya Makmur company.
                         I need their reply as soon as possible.
        Staff        : All right sir, I’ll do it at once.
A.    Save this file
B.    Fax this letter
C.    Cash the check
D.    Write the report

23. Dino   : What is your plan this weekend? There is a-two day Computer Exhibition in JCC.
       Nia   : Really? That sounds great but this Saturday …
A.    I will be out of town.
B.    I have ever gone there.
C.    I visited my grandmother
D.    I should have come there.
24. Tour Guide    : Today will be our last trip. We’ll have arrived in Jakarta by 10   o’clock
      Guest            : It’s a very wonderful journey. If we had a few more days to travel, …
A.    We wouldn’t be so tired.
B.    I wouldn’t have wasted my time.
C.    The trip would be more interesting.
D.    We will visit some more nice places.

25. Enda: I think I’d better take the left turning on the third junction.
      Anggi: … . We’ll get stuck in the traffic if we go straight.
A.    I don’t think so
B.    I have no idea
C.    I am on your side
D.    I am a bit doubtful

26.  Beniqno : Excuse me, Could you show me the way to room 314?
Bellboy  : Sure, …
Benigno : Thank you.
A.    It’s before room 313
B.    This is a private area
C.    I am sorry, I am busy
D.    Just go up one more level.

27.  Reza : I love travelling a lot. I usually spend my vacation to go
          somewhere. How about you?
Dina  : ….
Reza : Oh, how poor you are!
A.    I went to Bali last year
B.    I’ve already gone there
C.    I’m not sure I can go with you
D.    I only stay at home and do nothing

28. Waiter : Would you like to order, sir?
     Guest  : Yes, … .
     Waiter : Good choice sir, and we have special discount for it.
A.    I’d like beef roll with double cheese
B.    My order has been delivered
C.    The food is not delicious
D.    I need one table for two

29.   Agni    : This flat-screen TV looks like a pretty good deal. It's on sale for
                        $399. What do you think?
       Diana    : That's a good price. But, what do you think if we compare it
                        before  we buy?.
       Agni    : …
       A. I could tell you where a good shop is.
       B. All right, that's a good idea.
       C. You could buy it.
       D. Will you buy it?

30.   Althaf  : Do you know where Haidar is? I need him to help me now.
 Bogie  : Oh, you can find him in the field. …
A.    He is playing football with his friends.
B.    He was preparing the competition.
C.    He should have gone recently.
D.    He watched the music concert.

PART VI. Directions : In items 31 – 36, each item has four underlined words or phrase, marked (A), (B), (C), or (D). You are to identify the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected or rewritten, and mark your answer.
31. Wini     :      How can I get to your office from my hotel?
                        A                        B
 Edo  :   You can take a taxi or shuttle bus to take you to my office.
Wini :   Well, I think a hotel bus is the better choice

32. Hani    :  Do you know Clarissa Boutique?                                                                                      
Gina    : Sure, I know it well. It is the one who produces only five pieces of silk dresses
                                                                   A         B                                           C                    a month, practically makes each dress   by  hand. 
33.Ria         :  Look! This dress is very beautiful. I like the model and the color.
                                                                          A                         B
      Eva        :  You’re right. I doubt you can buy it. You have much money, don’t you?
                                              C                            D                
34. Teacher  :  Who is that boy? The one who has black short hair?
                A                            B                       C
       Amir      :  He is my new classmate from Papua
35. Sari        : Ridwan, I didn’t see you at  Linda’s  party last Saturday, where were you?
Ridwan  : I was at home
Sari       : Were you angry with her?
                 B                            C
Ridwan  : No, actually if I was invited , I would have come
36. Dika       : Sandy, have you heard the news about our friend, Linda?
Sandi    : No. What happened?
Dika      : She got an accident yesterday.
Sandy     : Oh...I’m happy   to hear that. Let’s visit her now.
                    Part VII.
Directions: Questions 37– 50 are based on a selection of reading materials, such as notice, letter, form, article, and advertisement. You are to choose the one best answer the questions (A), (B), (C), or (D). Answer all the questions following each reading selection on basis of what is stated or implied in the selection.

Text 1 (Questions 37—39) refer to the following memo.

To        : All employees                                                                                     From        : Office Coordinator   
Subject     : Electricity Usage   
Our company has been using too much electricity in the past few months especially from    1 pm to 5 pm.  Please turn off your air conditioners from 1 o’clock to 5 o’clock in the afternoon. When you go home in the afternoon or night, please turn off all lights and all air conditioners.

37. What is the memorandum about?
A.    Too much electricity usage
B.    Too much power supply
C.    New company policy
D.    New pay raise

38.  Who are the readers of the memo?
A.    All security guards
B.    All coordinators
C.    All secretaries
D.    All workers

39.” When you go home in the afternoon … ”  The underlined word refers to … ?
A.    Workers
B.    Manager
C.    Teachers
D.    Coordinators

Text 2 (Questions 40—42) refer to the following table.

                        THE FLIGHT SCHEDULE

Departure    Flight    Time    Destination

Semarang    GI 001
BA27A    13.00
15.55    Jakarta

40. What is the table about ?
A.    The plane schedule
B.    The  arrival flight
C.    The departure cities
D.    The cancellation flight

 41. What time is the departure to Makassar?
A.    07.15
B.    08.50
C.    14.45
D.    15.55

 42. From the table about, we know that:
            A. All flights  are in the afternoon
         B.  Most of the flights are at noon
         C.  All flights are only in the morning
         D.  The plane flies every time

Text 3 (Questions 43—45) refer to the following personal data.

                                                                 PERSONAL DATA
Name    :    Riki Sahari, ST
Gender    :    Male
Age    :    29 years
Place and Date of Birth       :    Karawang, June 25Th 1975
Address    :    Jl. Batu Raden VI No. 2 Ciwastra
          Buah batu Bandung 40287
E mail    :    anasunda@plasa.com
Phone    :    0815 1406 2414
1994- 2001  Mechanical Technique Faculty, Jenderal Achmad Yani 
                   University, Bandung, Majoring in Metallurgy
 EXPERIENCE  Research and Training about HSLA SG-26 in PT. KRAKATAU STEEL  for one year and four months (Cilegon), from 37 03 2000 until 29 07 2001. Credit Marketing Officer (CMO) From Adira Dinamika Multy Finance Karawang (June 2002 July 2003).

43.  What is the reading passage about?
A.    Place of birth
B.    Curriculum Vitae
     C.   Education background
     D.   Experiences of someone

44. Where did he graduate from?
          A. Technical High School
       B.  Vocational School
       C.  General school
       D.  A University
45. What is the synonym of “single” ?
        A. married
        B. couple
        C. unmarried
        D. family
Text 4 (Questions 46 — 48) refer to the following procedure.

Cell phone is a modern communication device which connects one to the others by voice, written message and data. However this device cannot work until the SIM card is inserted.
When inserting the SIM Card to cell phone, make sure that the cell phone has been switched off and follow the direction bellow:
First of all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then lift it off the phone.
After that, push two catches in the opposite directions and remove the battery.
Next, slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make sure that the golden connect arson are facing to the connector of the phone.
Then, put the battery and align it until snaps into its place.
Finally, insert the two catches of the back cover corresponding slot in the phone and slide the cover forward button of the phone until locks into place
Don't forget to switch on the cell phone. Wait until it is ready to use.

46. What is the text about?
      A. How to put in the card into the cell phone
      B. How to turn on the alarm on the cellular
      C. How to switch off the hand phone
      D. How to send the massage

47. What is the third step on the text?
A.    Switch off the hand phone
B.    Press the locking catch
C.    Slide the SIM card carefully into the slot
D.    Put in the card in to the cell phone.

48. Slide the cover then lift it off the phone. The underlined  word is closest to ….
A.    Turn on
B.    Press on
C.    Push on
D.    Remove on

Text 5 (Questions number 49 – 50)  refer to the following advertisement.

Purchase a 12 month subscription to Vacation the Nation today and receive a free pair of Sunnies Sunglasses with your very own soft leather case.* To get your free Sunnies follow these 3 easy steps.
1.    Purchase a copy of Vacation the Nation, New York's #1 Travel magazine.
2.    Fill out the application card (found in the center of the magazine)
3.    Mail the card and $21. 95 US to the address provided
*This is a limited time offer only. Application and funds must be received no later than Dec 1st 2004. Canadian residents should add $3 US for shipping. Offer not available for residents outside of North America.

49. What is being advertised?
      A.  A summer trip.
      B.  A travel company.
      C.  A free sunglasses.
      D.  A free magazine.
50. This is a limited time offer only (the second paragraph). The underlined  word refers to ….
A.     A travel magazine
B.     Free Sunglasses
C.    Vacation the Nation
D.     Application card

 This is the end of the Reading Comprehension portion of the test.

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